Bring out the best in you!
- Don’t sweat it, sparkle! We want to meet you - the real you. No need to stress or behave differently than usual.
- We are a casual and informal company. A place where you can be 100% you. Wear those jeans and sneakers!
- Get to know us: Discover our website, scroll through our social media pages or visit a club, so you know what you’re getting into ;) Why not book a session at one of our clubs using the day pass?
- Prepare your motivation: Why would you like to be part of Basic-Fit, and how can we help you develop your personal and professional goals. Carefully read our job description so you know what to expect.
- During the interview: Know your superpowers, share your successes, experience and understand which areas you can still improve, so we can help you grow.
- Don’t forget to ask questions about us, as a team, as the Orange Family.

First impressions count What can you expect from us?
The interview is at the club you’re applying for, or our headquarters. This usually takes about an hour. Our goal is to inform you about Basic-Fit, our team and the opportunities. But most importantly, we want to get to know you. We’ll ask about your previous experiences and what role you are currently looking for.
If specific topics will be discussed, we will let you know in advance so you have enough time to prepare. Afterwards, we will let you know when you can expect our feedback. Typically, you will receive a call within one week after the interview.